Monday, January 19, 2009

Growing Tide of Euthanasia, My Personal Experience

My mother sadly passed recently. I learned some scary things regarding the medical world prior to her passing. I have lost total faith in the Medical field.
I do believe we are actually experiencing euthanasia becoming acceptable, encourage and forced.

Just over a year ago my mother was in her mid 70s. She had been living on her own and doing OK though she used 24 hour oxygen. She had a short stay in a hospital and was sent to a long term acute care facility for just some minor rehab. The things that happened to her there were horrendous. I have a long list but will edit it to some points that are relevant.

The doctor that ran the entire wing of the hospital was an arrogant internist who changed her lung specialist’s orders. He had an attitude of “so what if she dies, she is old”.It was appalling.

Things the Doctor did and did not do:

• She was not eating he did nothing to fix it, no orders for supplements like Ensure or feeding tubes - nothing.

• She had severe stomach pain that he just gave pain pills for. The pain turned out to be gallbladder stones and that was why she was not eating.

• He kept her insulin doses the same as if she was eating and she was crashing to the 30-50’s each day and he knew this and did not change the orders. (normal should be about 100. Seizures and death happen under 25.

• He caused a mangled toe by forcing her to wear wrong-sized tights. Her toe got infected and her lung specialist did not want her wearing the tights to begin with.

• Her oxygen levels were dipping into the 50-70% range on a constant basis. It should be above 90%.

All of this went on for a month, and the day they called and told me they were sending her to a nursing home I blew up and said there was no way, that they had not stabilized her and she could never survive. It truly felt like he was trying to kill her. I thought maybe I was just not seeing things right or he was an anomaly. But more was to come that made me realize this was a bigger than just this one doctor and his apparent “indifference”. I now think he was attempting to either have her die there or get her to the nursing home ASAP to die there, but it definitely was due to money. She was a Medicare/Medicaid patient and she was running out of Medicare money.

I called the original doctors’ group from the other hospital, told them what was happening and got a private ambulance to pick her up the same day she was to go to the nursing home. She arrived at the original hospital in critical condition! Her lung specialist was in shock. He said she was a different patient then the one he sent there. He could not believe what had happened.

Within a day of her being back at the original hospital her kidneys started to fail. She had gotten an infection from the other hospital that went septic. Her kidney specialist talked to her privately and kicked everyone out of the room and told her that they may be able to kill infection, but he was not positive he could get her kidneys fully functioning again. At that point he asked her if she wanted to have dialysis or not. She asked the doctor if she did not have dialysis if she would die. He said yes. She said she wanted to live. He then went into great detail how miserable it is to be on dialysis. My mother then argued with him defending that she wanted to live. She repeated back to him what he had said, that her kidney could start functioning and that she may not have to be on dialysis forever. She told him clearly that she was willing to be on dialysis for the rest of her life if she needed to be.

At this point he realized that he was not getting the answer he wanted. She wanted to live and he was not going to convince her otherwise, so he tried again from a different angle. He started telling her what a huge burden she would be on her children and how wrong that was of her, intensely pressuring her again to refuse dialysis. She argued again and said she wanted dialysis. He also started pressing her to sign a DNR form, which means “Do Not Resuscitate”. She refused that too.
Once the kidney specialist gave up trying to convince my mother, and then he decided to try to convince me. I was aware of my mother’s wishes, but unaware of the guilt complex he had laid on her. When I found out about that I was horrified. My mother was my best friend and was not burden to me. I loved the idea of her living with me even if I had to drive her to dialysis 3-4 times a week! How many Moms do that for their children just to go to soccer practice? He went through the whole explanation to me about how horrible dialysis is, etc. I again stated to him that we didn't know if this would be permanent. She could go off dialysis right? He had to agree. I stressed my mother’s wishes to go on dialysis even if it was permanent. He then started attacking me verbally and saying how cruel it was of me to do this to my mother laying on a thick guilt trip about how terrible I was, that I needed to do what was “right”. I told them I was only honoring her wishes and that I was not going to convinced her of something she did not want. He then had to put her on dialysis.

He got another doctor involved, who cornered me, and told me not to take on the burden of my mother, that I had a family of my own and should focus on them and not bring my mother home if she survives. They double-teamed me at the same time. The other doctor was just going on the information the kidney specialist had and his personal opinions on how people should just put the elderly in nursing homes.

We continued to have a daily argument about the DNR. Every time the kidney specialist would do his rounds he would harass my mother about signing a DNR and my mother got so upset over the issue I had to go to the social worker of the hospital and called an attorney. But no one could find a rule or law that would not allow him to ask her every time he saw her if she wanted to sign a DNR paper. She even filled out the living will that said she wanted to be resuscitated. My mother said she wanted every day to focus on getting better and not be re-asked what to do if she coded. She had already told them what to do!

Because my mother was septic she did get sicker and not able to fully communicate for herself. At this point the kidney specialist called a family meeting via a phone conference call. He had not gained any ground with convincing my mother or me so he decided to talk to all my siblings. He went through the whole thing again with them, how horrible dialysis was etc… Then he started saying that he thought my mother was too sick for dialysis and that it could kill her. He then announced to everyone that he was not going to allow dialysis anymore, that she was going to die in two days, and if they wanted to see her before she died they needed to fly in immediately.

We all argued with him saying could she still get over the sepsis, he said yes. Could her kidneys start functioning again on their own? He said yes. We begged for more time for the medicines to start working and to give her chance. He said no. My brother spoke up and said don’t doctors take an oath to do all they can do to sustain life? The doctor said he didn't have to do anything that he considered to be futile medicine. We asked how this was futile if he thought she could get better. He could not answer the question. He talked out of both sides of his mouth. On one hand he would say she was too sick for dialysis and other the other he would say she could get better. He stated well there's a possibility that she might need dialysis the rest of her life and or be in a nursing home and that's not a quality-of-life. He said “Therefore I refuse to give her any dialysis”.

I couldn't believe my ears. He was sentencing my mother to death based on his “personal” beliefs on quality of life. He gave us no alternative but to let her die. It was clear that he was arguing quality of life and not about her medical state she was in. He kept wiggling in his seat and twitching when asked questions that revealed this distinction. Luckily I had researched a bit on euthanasia and understood the growing view that anyone that was deemed unproductive in society should be euthanatized. I could see where he was coming from, so I told him we wanted a second opinion. He got extremely nasty and said ‘fine I will get one of my buddies and I know just who and he will tell you the same thing.

We got a second opinion, and it was in complete opposition to everything the first kidney specialist said. The new Specialist said there was no reason at all for her not to be on dialysis and that actually her numbers were doing pretty good so he was going to hold off a day and then start dialysis again. He said he thought he knew why her kidneys were failing. He felt strongly that he would be able to get them working on their own again. Needless to say I fired the first kidney specialist and hired the second one. I had already put a complaint in with the social worker in the hospital and had plans to life-flight my mother to a different hospital if I needed.

The new kidney specialist put her back on dialysis. She handled it perfectly. They got the sepsis under control, and she was off dialysis within two and a half weeks. My mother was shocked and angry when she got better and she found out her first doctor had giving her death sentence based on his “personal” opinions about her quality-of-life. My mother was thrilled to be alive, thrilled to have more time with family. She was able to get well enough and come home and live with me for short while. Every day she was still here with us was a miracle and a blessing, because if we had listened to it the personal opinions of that “Kevorkian” doctor and had not fought him, we would not have the extra time with her.

The next tragedy was that she was in the hospital’s in-house rehabilitation unit. She was doing fantastic and could walk over a hundred feet at a time with a walker. She was happy and had great plans for the future living with me. They released her a tad early because the benefits ran out. But at first I was not concerned about that because I could do the rehab at home. What I did not know was that during that last week in the rehab she had had a urinary track infection that they were giving antibiotics for and they kicked her out before it was cured. I went back over her white blood cell counts and they were clearly too high even on the day she was discharged and proved that she still had the infection at that time.

She came home and had a happy and wonderful week until she woke up with a fever over 100 and I had to call an ambulance. She had gone septic due to her early release and their discontinuing the antibiotics. Sadly she was not able to recover from this infection. She had sustained too many insults to her system due to the inept care she was given in both facilities because they were trying to save money. If they had done things right in the first place the costs would have been minimal and I would still have my mother here with me.

My mother was thankful for every day she had here. She had no regrets fighting to stay alive and I have no guilt since I strove to follow her wishes. I would not give up the many extra months and days I had with her for anything.

In conclusion it is my opinion there is a great movement out there to euthanize the elderly, to tell them they are a burden to their families and tell the families that they shouldn't take them in, to neglect them and hope they die of something that appears natural in nature.

What has our society turned into, when I had to fight for the right to have my mother live? I had to fight for the right to have her move in with me, so I could take care of her as she took care of me as a child. When did they start having the rights to tell people what our definition of a quality-of-life should be?

You must watch everything they do in the hospital. The head of all nursing for the entire IMC unit told me to keep a journal of every medicine, every detail, and research everything because that is the only way to keep a family member alive!

Unfortunately this was told to me after the damage to my mother was too far gone to save her, but I hope I can reach others to be aware that you must be the nurse and doctor and question everything. I caught so many things that would have killed her that there is not room enough to write them all.

I was there sometimes 24-7, literally every waking moment. I found her in a diabetic coma and demanded assistance when her blood sugar was at 27. I caught them giving her a medicine that lowered blood pressure when she was already going into low blood pressure. I had to get respiratory Therapy when she was losing consciousness due to lack of oxygen. Again and again I intervened and saved her life. She was terrified to be alone with the medical “professionals”.

Beware this will only get worse for multiple reasons.

1) If we have socialized health care the quality will go down, proof lies in all the countries with it. I have a friend that lives in Sweden that is a teacher; she broke her wrist years ago. She is in chronic pain especially when she writes on the chalk boards at school. The government says she does not have the type of job that deems a need for surgery on her wrist. If she was an athlete she could have the surgery.

2) The occultists are pushing for Euthanasia, for many reasons. They say it is kind and loving act. But I believe it is a quick and easy way to get rid of the God-fearing traditional values of the senior citizens that they still carry and influence others with.
Adolph Hitler said:“Your child belongs to us... What are you? You'll pass on. Your descendents, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.” Speech, November 6, 1933, in the rise and fall of the Third Reich page 249

3) They want the money for other programs, not to spend it on the health of the “Faithful”, to slim down budgets and free up funds for their pet projects.

4) Because they know what is “best” for you. It is what is best for the collective, for the “whole”. You are not to be concerned for yourself, only for how you affect the world.

5) They will have literal control of life and death. If you do not take the initiations and take on the mark of the beast they will not give you any kind of health care. That will be a great incentive to take the mark.

6) Right now we are seeing laws on euthanasia in many countries like the Netherlands that keep getting broader and broader in scope. Their definition of a “quality of life” that deserves euthanasia keeps expanding to include retardation, depression and many defects and illnesses. Euthanasia is even carried out on behalf of those who “would wish it if they were in their right mind to decide for themselves.” Finally it will include the evil self-centered separates that do not believe they themselves are “god” and insist on hurting themselves and others by worshiping a false idea of the God of Abraham and Jesus Christ as their Savior. They will need to be euthanized so their souls can go to another dimension and learn and grow because they are holding the world’s evolution back and their own. They will assert that Christians, Jews and Muslims who refuse to convert are incurably mentally ill, so the new-world order must decide to euthanize them.

7) Soon “quality of life” will be defined as only the One World Religion followers. The world will be prepared step by step though all of the different kinds of Euthanasia to be brainwashed into feeling that this is perfectly natural and logical.

8) We no longer have respect for the lives of unborn children, the elderly and soon the religiously faithful.

There are many other possible reasons but I will stop here for now.

My mother was an amazing woman, genius IQ, loving and kind, a very deep intellectual. She was always a truth seeker. She believed in God and lived a very righteous life. I was very hard to have her go. She was my best friend.

The hospital ordeal lasted almost a year. I had to keep constant watch over her there. At the time and still am, I have been experiencing difficult health issues myself. 2008 was a very dark year for me. Losing my mother was the worst, my health and coming to the realization how far the Occults reach had come this far in the medical field really scared me.

Though all of this though it has put the fire underneath me to write on the subjects I have researched for over 25 years. So I feel something good has come out of it. I will not let my mother die in vain. I will write till I can not write anymore against the New Age Occult and Warn everyone I can what they are doing in all areas.

Beware of these things. Protect your loved ones the best you can. Warn others as much as possible so we can try to hold back this tide as long as possible.

God Bless



  1. All you've shared Rose is typical these days in hospitals. This is what they do all the time. But uninformed people who trust doctors and don't do what you folks did, believe the doctor and their loved one dies as a result. It's terrible and devilish. I'm very familiar with the DNR and we would never sign that when we had hospital visits for operations or other. Never sign that paper, it's your death warrant. And this thing about "quality of life", the biggest lie in medical history. It's just the reverse of what it sounds like; so pleasant the terms they use to describe killing you. It's just like the "right to die" movement and "assisted suicide". Same emphasis. They have nothing to do with living.

  2. This is all so shocking. Thank you for all this research on this. The word interconnectedness hit me between the eyes. The association of some kind of connection is being used often now in New Age circles.

    I have to read this more than once to really grasp what we are facing as Christians. The Word of God warns us about the end times, so we shouldn't be too surprised; because this is the day we are living. It just came up so quickly and is moving at a fast pace.
